The Truth About Working Retail
12:23 PMDaily binging on shows wasn't exactly how I envisioned my summer to be, though I HIGHLY recommend watching: Blacklist, Orphan Black, and Finding Carter (Yes, those were only some of the shows I watched). Six to ten episodes a day? Yea, I realized I was slowly wasting my summer away.
I decided to apply to a few jobs from stores nearby my house to help satisfy my shopping addiction.
Then came the application and interview process. You know the drill.
I finally began working at the kid clothing store (that I shall not name).
You know, before I started working here I thought it would be easy. You know, greeting customers, folding clothes, being the cashier. Boy was I wrong. On top of having to stand for long periods of time, and I mean LONG periods of time (5 hours minimum), you're always doing something at all times. From folding hundreds of clothes (ugh I hate folding!), to dealing with sassy, annoying customers.
I'm going to be honest. I'm the type of person who throws unwanted items onto random tables when I''m not feeling it anymore. Having worked retail now, I now understand how frustrating it is to see that.
Call-ins. Something every retail worker knows about and absolutely loathes. Say I have a call in shift from 4pm-10pm. I don't find out if I have to come in to work until TWO hours before my shift STARTS. Like really? Realllllly though? So if you would like your whole day to be wasted, this is the job for you.
I'm not going to get into every little detail about working retail, but bottom line is that I now have so much respect for people who actually work retail. If this is your last resort, go for it, and god bless you. You're going to meet every type of person there is in this world. Retail takes lots and lots of patience (something I obviously lack). If its not your last resort, r u n.
I mean hey, some of you guys might actually enjoy it. I just don't think you get paid enough, as I only get minimum wage.
I guess working retail as a part time summer job does have its pros, though, like getting extra cash in your pocket, and not being bored at home!