My Invisalign Journey - Why Invisalign Instead of Traditional Braces?

12:51 PM

I finally reached that point in my life where I've decided to get braces.

Besides finding a provider and all that annoying (but important!) business, the first important thing to consider is-
Traditional Braces or Clear retainer-like braces - Invisalign.

If you're reading this, you're asking yourself - Should I do Invisalign or braces? Do braces or Invisalign hurt more? Why are Invisaligns better and vice versa.

Believe me, I did SO much research. Scrolled through all the braces blogs, and watched all the braces videos on youtube. I knew I wanted the clear option since I'm a college student getting braces (embarrassing). So for me, it was between the ceramic traditional braces that are clear, or Invisalign. I was going back and forth with my decision for MONTHS.

At one of final braces consultations, I was dead-set on the ceramic braces. I knew I didn't want Invisaligns because they seemed like a pain in the butt. Taking them out EVERY time you eat and drink, washing them, etc. It was not until I was convinced to get Invisalign. They were saying how it looks better, and how food won't get stuck in your teeth, which were 2 very great points.

I finally decided to get Invisalign. Got all my xrays done, you know.

So I think a week later they called me and told me my Invisalign arrived (best moment of my life as I waited a decade to get them). They put in all attachments, etc which I might make another blog post on later on. I won't get into all the details in this post.

The bottom line of this post is that I'm really happy I chose Invisalign rather than braces. I'm wearing my 5th tray as I'm typing this which means I've been wearing them for about 10 weeks now. I can tell you that they're pretty painless. Maybe I shouldn't say they're painless, but its a pain that is bearable. I for one have a very low pain tolerance. Also, my friends and even family can't even tell that I'm wearing them!

So I'm going to end this post here, and maybe I'll dedicate several blog posts on each Invisalign topic such as the attachments, the pain, cleaning, and all that.

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